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College Career Readiness: Education 1300


You will choose a career that interests you and you will write a research paper based on that career. Your research paper should be 3-4 pages. This does not include title and reference pages. You need to use at least 3 reliable and authoritative sources. One of the sources must be from a library databases. You must have proper APA format and parenthetical citations in your paper with each source. Use NoodleTools to help you with APA formatting.

Essential Question: What career path is the best fit for my interests, skills, and future goals, and how can I gain the knowledge and experience needed to pursue it?

Select an occupation and prepare a research paper and presentation addressing the guiding questions:

  • How does the occupation fit your skills and interests?
  • What type of degree, certification, and/or training is required?
  • What will you be doing in the occupation?
  • How many jobs are there in the occupation currently?
  • Is the occupation projected to grow, decline, or remain unchanged? Why?
  • How much does this occupation pay? What do the top 10 percent earn? The bottom 10 percent? Stipends?
  • What is the job future outlook and growth? 
  • What types benefits can you expect from this career?  
  • What type of advancements can you expect?
  • What are your job expectations?  
  • What are the working conditions? 
  • Find someone with a job in the occupation you are interested in, and interview him or her. You should find out:
    • what kind of work the person does
    • what the person likes and dislikes about the job
    • what advice the person would give to someone interested in a career in this field.

Day 1

1) Review Plagiarism
2) Choose a career and Login to Noodletools (See image below)
      - Setup account
      - Create Project
      -  Share with Ms. Diaz/Coach Reno

3) Begin exploring career websites that are reliable and authoritative
4) Cite first source in NoodleTools and start notecards

Day 3 & 4

On Thursday and Friday, we will complete our research using Sources on the Careers Tab. We will review the Occupational Outlook Handbook and Learning Express. You will locate information and answer the eleven questions as a guide your research.


  • How does the occupation fit your skills and interests?
  • What type of degree, certification, and/or training is required?
  • What will you be doing in the occupation?
  • How many jobs are there in the occupation currently?
  • Is the occupation projected to grow, decline, or remain unchanged? Why?
  • How much does this occupation pay? What do the top 10 percent earn? The bottom 10 percent? Stipends?
  • What is the job future outlook and growth? 
  • What types benefits can you expect from this career?  
  • What type of advancements can you expect?
  • What are your job expectations?  
  • What are the working conditions?  

NoodlelTools- Citations and Note Taking:
1. Cite each source in NoodleTools.
2.Create a new note card per question.
      - Copy direct text in the Quote section.
      - In the Paraphrase section, put the information in your own words.
      - In My Ideas section, write how this information will be used in your research paper.

Day 2

Essential Question(s): How does the occupation fit your skills and interests? Why do work values matter?

Values are your beliefs about what is important or desirable. When your values line up with how you live and work, you tend to feel more satisfied and confident. Living or working in ways that contradict your values can lead to dissatisfaction, confusion, and discouragement. So there is good reason to clarify your values, and seek to match your work to them .(from Career One Stop)

Work Values: When you choose a career field or workplace that aligns with your work values, you gain job satisfaction, feel motivated and engaged at work, and find common values with your co-workers.
There are 6 universal work values:

  • Achievement
  • Independence
  • Recognition
  • Relationships
  • Support
  • Working Conditions

1. You will complete a self-assessment from the Careers Tab (Career One Stop) to determine which of the six work values align with your personality.
2. Cite this source in NoodleTools.
3.Create a new note card
      - Copy the survey results into the Copy/Quote section.
      - In the Paraphrase section, explain why you agree or disagree with the highest ranked work value from the survey.
      - In My Ideas section, choose one of your top three work values. Explain how this work value is similar to your personal values.

Day 5 & 6

Writer's Workshop- Write research paper

APA Formatting Guides