Nutrition is the means by which organisms obtain and use nutrients. Nutrition is also the determination of the kinds and quantities of substances (nutrients) needed by organisms to sustain life.
Animals must intake food to fulfill three needs: fuel in the form of chemical energy, raw materials for the synthesis of biomolecules, and essential nutrients that the body cannot produce on its own but that are necessary for good health.
Humans and other animals need to eat because they need resources that their bodies cannot provide. Food provides the material for the structural needs of the body, such as replacing worn-out cells and tissues, building more muscle tissue, and growth.
Media images of ideal bodiesOCowhich, in reality, are often dangerously thinOComake it easy for people to start worrying about their own body shapes and compare themselves to these model ideals. For some people, this concern with thinness becomes an obsession, and they fall victim to eating disorders. The sufferer may starve him- or herself, exercise too much, or deliberately vomit to purge the body of calories. This new edition of Nutrition and Eating Disorders examines some of the most common eating disorders, from anorexia nervosa to binge eating."
From a young age we have been told to take our vitamins, eat our fruits and vegetables, and limit sugar and fat. Readers examine what makes certain foods better nutritionally than others and how various foods affect the human body, including the role they can play in disease and illness. Tables in the appendix provide quick reference on vitamins and common food-related illnesses.
This book presents research findings about 50 foods that are commonly touted as healthy and educates readers about the medical problems they purportedly alleviate or help prevent. * Includes 50 topics covering the most popular health foods, such as blueberries, buckwheat, and capers * Comprises the exhaustive research of a physician and an acclaimed independent scholar and writer * 50 photographs are provided to illustrate each type of food * A glossary containing hundreds of entries explains common terms such as "protein" and "antioxidant" as well as medical terminology like "gastric dysrhythmia"