Assignment Guidelines:
1) You will write an argumentative essay using textual evidence from two database articles. First, select a topic from the assigned list located below.
2) When you click on a topic, it will open to the Library Database "Opposing Viewpoints".
3) You will choose 2 articles within the "View Points"section.
4) Select one article you agree with and one article you disagree with.
5) While reading, complete the SOAPSTone graphic organizer. The graphic organizer is your focused notes.
6) Your argumentative essay must be in your own words. No copying, no pasting. Review the Plagiarism LibGuide on how to follow academic integrity rules.
7) Use the notes you took from SOAPSTone to help develop your point and counterpoint arguments within the essay.
8) Make sure to create a Works Cited page in MLA format; this is the last page in your research paper.
Click on a TOPIC to access Opposing Viewpoints Library Database:
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