Below you will find the following:
Our ultimate goal here at the library is provide you the necessary resources to ensure your success in post-secondary education. Never be afraid to ask your librarians for help! allows you to search for a variety of scholarships based on your interests and major. Account creation is required to use these resources.
Learning Express provides a list of scholarships that are available based on your personal criteria. It will require a login to be created!
The College Essay Guy provides a wonderful guide about the layout of the college essay as well as several samples to help you write your essay for college or scholarships!
The Terry Scholarship provides full-ride scholarships to students to the following colleges:
Requirements vary by university. Here are the requirements for The University of Texas at El Paso
To be considered for the Terry Foundation Scholarship at UTEP as a CURRENT high school senior, you must:
The Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation provides yearly scholarships for students with minimal requirements. Give it a shot! Below are the requirements for this scholarship.