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DNA: Digital Literacy: Media Literacy

Get an A+ in Media Literacy

Media Literacy

Assignment Directions: Your task is to analyze three digital sources for reliability and accuracy. In this exercise, you will use lateral and vertical media literacy strategies to evaluate bias, audience, and purpose of text. Vertical reading is staying within a website to evaluate its reliability. Lateral reading is fact checking across other sources to verify information. You will fully analyze three sources about artificial intelligence from a Google search and Gale High School in Context. Use the CRAAP Test and SIFT Method as your evaluation tool(s).
Be careful of confirmation bias when reading. Our brains use past experiences when reading so watch out for your own personal bias. Don't let emotions take over when reading something you agree or disagree with but rather try to stay objective by seeking facts and being aware of opinion statements. Use the graphic "Spectrum of News Sources" to help you evaluate which news sources' journalistic qualities.

Take a position on artificial intelligence:
Artificial intelligence will destroy humans.
Artificial intelligence will not destroy humans.

One of the 'Godfathers of AI'
Airs His Concerns
Gale High School in Context Artificial Intelligence Overview

When Might AI Outsmart Us?
It Depends Who You Ask

Free Space: You Choose!
Gale High School in Context
Google News Search
Lonely May Prefer Voice Companions,
Not Robots
Google News Search Experts Call For More Diversity to
Combat Bias in Artificial intelligence
The Rise of AI Fake News is Creating
a ‘Misinformation Superspreader’


Elevate Your News Evaluation