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Professional Development: Making Thinking Visible: Sentence Phrase Word

Sentence Phrase Word

This routine helps learners engage with and make meaning from text with a particular focus on capturing the essence of the text or “what speaks to you.” However, the power and promise of this routine lies in the discussion of why a particular word, a single phrase, and a sentence stood out for each individual in the group as a catalyst for discussions.

Thinking Routine Description Key Thinking Tasks What to Use Technology Applications
Sentence Phrase Word
pg 207-213

Text-based routine to identify what was important or meaningful

Making connections
Finding deeper meaning

eBooks (MackinVia or Follett Shelf)
Print Books
Graphic organizers

Adobe Spark
Microsoft Sway
Nearpod Field Trip
Nearpod Collaborate



The Undefeated by Kwame Alexander


Sample Lesson

The Undefeated by Kwame Alexander, Illustrations by Kadir Nelson (Formats: eBook MackinVia and print book available for library checkout)

Before Reading- Show the book cover, have the students predict what they think the book is about using See-Think-Wonder with Nearpod Collaborate or Padlet. After students have shared their predictions, read the forward of the book. Have the students add an additional Wonder

During Reading- Use the Sentence-Phrase Word graphic organizer. While the teacher reads the poem, students will record a sentence, phrase, and word that is meaningful.

After Reading- Have the students justify why they chose their Sentence-Phrase-Word. Ask students to share their responses either in whole group or small groups. 

Closing Task, Students will write a summary by making an acrostic poem from the word they selected from the book.

Thinking Routine from Harvard's Project Zero