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Stereotypes-Subcultures-Countercultures: Project



In this project, we will examine stereotypes, subcultures, and countercultures. Stereotypes are individually or collectively held beliefs regarding the traits of  individuals and cultures. Most often stereotypes are based on distorted facts and do not correspond to reality. Opinions can be pervasive and spread throughout society, thus, becoming a deep-rooted belief about a subculture or counterculture. We will examine the history of stereotypes/subcultures/countercultures and why society holds these beliefs.

You and your partner will choose a stereotype/subculture/counterculture and create a presentation using the following elements:


  • Attention Getter
    • Story, startling fact, question, visual, music dealing with the culture/subculture/counterculture you and your partner have chosen.
  • History -
    • How, where, why did this stereotype/subculture/counterculture begin?
  • Language -
    • What are the common words, nonverbal behavior, and symbols?
  • Appearance -
    • How does this stereotype/subculture/counterculture dress?
  • Societal Beliefs-
    • What myths are associated with this stereotype/subculture/counterculture?
    • What beliefs does society have about this stereotype/subculture/counterculture?
    • Are these beliefs harmful? Why or why not?

PRESENTATION: After researching and writing notes, you and your partner will give a speech presenting a stereotype/subculture/counterculture. You and your partner must share equal time presenting your speech. The speech should be 6-8 minutes. During the presentation, you and your partner will cover each of the elements researched. A visual aid is required with the speech.
NOTE TAKING: You will use a T-Chart to record your notes. One side of the T-Chart will provide historical context from library resources and the other side will document stereotypes as found in google searching and magazines.

WORKS CITED: You must have at least 3 sources cited in NoodleTools using MLA. Use the "Resource" tab for source links.
EVALUATION: Complete the evaluation form located in the "Resources" tab. This will be done individually.

EXTRA CREDIT (food, items, music, demonstration, video, skit, dress up)