Environmental Science Standards:
(9) Science concepts. The student knows the impact of human activities on the environment.
(H) analyze and evaluate different views on the existence of global warming;
(J) research the advantages and disadvantages of "going green" such as organic gardening and farming, natural methods of pest control, hydroponics, xeriscaping, energy-efficient homes and appliances, and hybrid cars;
Before: Shoulder Partner Questions:
Do you consider yourself a consumer? How so?
During: Ponder This:
Write down interesting points, statistics, facts, etc. from the video, The Story of Stuff
After: Think, Pair, Share:
Clearly everyone needs to consume to live. What kinds of consumption are necessary? What types of purchasing alternatives are there? What kinds of consumption are unnecessary?
TASK: Calculate your carbon footprint while recording results onto the worksheet. Due at end of class.