A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse-gas emissions that are a result of directly and indirectly from:
Research for global, environmental, energy, and natural resources.
Database focusing on all subjects within the discipline of math and science.
Explore science sources, biographies as well as mathematics resources dating back to 1987.
Environmental Science Standards:
(9) Science concepts. The student knows the impact of human activities on the environment.
(H) analyze and evaluate different views on the existence of global warming;
(J) research the advantages and disadvantages of "going green" such as organic gardening and farming, natural methods of pest control, hydroponics, xeriscaping, energy-efficient homes and appliances, and hybrid cars;
Before: Shoulder Partner Questions:
Do you consider yourself a consumer? How so?
During: Ponder This:
Write down interesting points, statistics, facts, etc. from the video, The Story of Stuff
After: Think, Pair, Share:
Clearly everyone needs to consume to live. What kinds of consumption are necessary? What types of purchasing alternatives are there? What kinds of consumption are unnecessary?
TASK: Calculate your carbon footprint while recording results onto the worksheet. Due at end of class.