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Researching Like a Historian: Primary/Secondary Resources

Primary vs. Secondary Sources

Source Presentation by AARON GOULETTE

Primary Source Resources

Library of Congress

Helpful Links Within the Library of Congress
Historic Newspapers
Online Exhibits 
Research Guides

Digital Public Library of America includes over  48 million primary source images, texts, videos, and sounds curated from public libraries and museums across the United States. 

Research Questons to Ask When Using Primary Sources

1. What is the source and what is it telling you?
2, Who is the author or creator?
3, What biases or assumptions may have influenced the author or creator?
4. Who was the intended audience?
5. What was the significance of the source at the time it was created?
6. Has the source been edited or translated, thus potentially altering the original intent or purpose?
7. What questions could be answered using this source?
8. What, if any, are the limitations of the source?
9. Does your understanding of the source fit with other scholars’ interpretations, or does it challenge their argument?

Sample Speech

" However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion. "

Primary vs. Secondary Sources Poster

Primary vs Secondary Sources by AARON GOULETTE

Resource Game

Beginning with Primary Sources

Make a chart of places, people, events, and terms about which you want to find primary resources.Evaluate how the source will benefit the writing of your paper.

  Primary Source #1 Primary Source #2 Primary Source #3
How will I use this in my paper?      

Synthesizing Primary Sources

Synthesis of Primary Sources by AARON GOULETTE


American Library Association. "Using Primary Sources in Your Writing." Reference User Services  Association. Last modified 2018. Accessed October 16, 2018.

Lederer, Naomi. "Examples of Primary Sources." How to Do Library Research. Last modified 2018.Accessed October 16, 2018.