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Famous Journalist - Photographer Project: Photographers

Project Overview

History of Photography: Famous Photographer Project 
Photo Adobe Creative Commons

INTRODUCTION: You will choose one of the following photographers to research, and present an oral presentation to the class in a 90 second presentation. This assignment will give you the opportunity to delve into one of these photographers, or another one that you are interested in, and learn biographical information about the person.

RESEARCH QUESTIONS: In your presentation, you will cover the following topics:

  • How the person became a photographer
  • How did college influence him/her
  • Characteristics of the photographer’s work
  • Development of photographer’s style
  • Photographer’s impact on photography
  • Achievements of the photographer
  • Works cited slide

See Writing Assignment Guidelines for list of photographers and final product expectations.

Assignment Guidelines

WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT: You will research the photographer and compile a written report and a visual presentation using Animoto. In choosing a photographer, the person must have achievements in photography and contributed something to photography. You must include at least 6-8 examples of the photographers work in the presentation. The presentation must be at least 12 slides with no more than 15 words on each slide. The report should be at least 2 pages long, typed- courier new 12 pt font, double-spaced, and contain a works cited. Be sure to write down all the sources that you obtain information from. This will be included on the Reference page in APA format using NoodleToOls. You must cite all the sources you use (even when you paraphrase or summarize). You will turn in your note taking page along with your paper and references cited.

The reports must be in your own words. If you plagiarize, you will receive a zero for this report and cannot make up the grade. DO NOT COPY AND PASTE FROM THE INTERNET – MS. DIAZ KNOWS WHEN YOU DO THIS! USE RELIABLE/AUTHORITATIVE RESOURCES!


Eddie Adams – photojournalist
Diane Arbus – life in NYC

Eugene Atget – old time Paris

Richard Avedon – Modern genius in art photography and portraits

Margaret Bourke-White – photojournalist

Mathew Brady – Civil War of US

Bill Brandt – modern, variety

Henri Cartier-Bresson – decisive movement

Julie Margaret Cameron -  portrait photographer

Robert Capa – war photographer, Life Magazine

Imogene Cunningham – Group f/64, floral studies

Louis Jaques Mande Daguerre – daguerreotype

David Douglas Ducan – war photographer

George Eastman – Eastman Kodak Co.

Harold Edgerton – strobe photos

Alfred Eisenstaedt – general

Peter Henry Emerson – naturalists
Fredrick Evans – platinum printer, photos of cathedrals
Walker Evans – 1930’s great depression
Arthur Fellig – ambulance chaser, photojournalist

Robert Frank – documented the US

Alexander Gardner – Civil War and Far West

Ernst Haas
- pioneer of color photography
William Henry Jackson – Far West

Lewis Hines – child labor photographer

Yousuf Karsh – Europe’s best portrait photographer
Edwin Land – Polaroid inventor

Dorthea Lange – dust bowl and 1930’s

Jaques Henri-Lartigue – young French documentary photographer

Annie Liebovitz – current portrait genius

Nadar – Early Parisian portrait photographer

James Nachtwey – photojournalist
Beaumont Newhall – photo historian

Joseph Nicephore Niepce – first permanent image

Timothy O’Sullican – Civil war and far west

Gordon Parks

Eliot Porter

Man Ray – unusual images

Jacob Riis – New York City Immigrants

Henry Peach Robinson – pictorialist

August Sanders – German portrait photographer

Ben Shawn
- general
W. Eugene Smith – photojournalist, the photo essay

Edweard Steichen – general

Alfred Steiglitz – general
Paul Strand
- modern
Edward S. Curtis- ethnographer
William Henry Fox Talbot – calotype

Jerry Uelsmann – bizarre and beautiful images from nature, multiple images
Carlton Watkins – turn of the century, master technician

Edward Weston – nature

Minor White – general

James Van der Zee – Harlem’s photographer at the turn of the century

Sandy Skoglund – artist photographer

Robert Mapplethorpe
- controversial photographer
***If you choose another photographer not on the list, you must have my approval first.

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Research Resources