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Famous Journalist - Photographer Project: Journalists

Project Overview


History of Journalism: Famous Journalism Project
photo taken at the National Archives (Hardin)

INTRODUCTION: You will choose an outstanding journalist to research. You will present an oral presentation to the class in a 90 second video using Canva. This assignment will give you the opportunity to take a deep dive into why this journalist's work has been influential in the field of journalism.

RESEARCH QUESTIONS: In your presentation, you will cover the following topics.

  • How the person became a journalist
  • How did college OR life influence him/her
  • Characteristics of the journalist's writing
  • Development of journalist’s writing style
  • Journalist’s impact on journalism
  • Achievements of the journalist
  • Works cited in APA format

See Writing Assignment Guidelines below for final product expectations.

Assignment Guidelines

Part 1: Writing Assignment: Influential Journalist

Paper must be:

  • Double spaced
  • Written in Courier New 12 point font
  • Free of spelling and grammatical errors
  • Minimum of 500 words
  • Must be unbiased- free of YOUR opinion
  • Must have a minimum 3 different sources in APA format using NoodleTools
  • All “borrowed” information must be attributed
  • Do not plagiarize- All information must be put into your own words
  • Include your notes when turning your paper (see notes template in Introduction)
  • Tell us:
    • When and where the journalist worked in the journalism profession.
    • What the journalist did during his or her career that either had a positive or negative impact on the profession.
    • all other important facts about the person that relates to their JOURNALISM career

This paper should be a minimum of 1 ½ to 2 pages (not including the works cited page). This assignment is due August 30, 2024.

*Remember your paper should FOCUS on how the person was influential in JOURNALISM and give information about their life as it relates to journalism.*

Part 2: One – Pager (small poster) must include:

  • Journalist’s name (biggest item on the paper)
  • Tell when and where the journalist worked in the journalism profession.
  • Tell what the journalist did during his or her career that either had a positive or negative impact on the profession.
  • Famous or important journalistic quote by the journalist
  • Tell all other important facts about the person that relates to their JOURNALISM career
  • Important key facts or journalistic pieces they created

This one – pager should only have words and short phrases and a few pictures that have been drawn. The only complete sentence it should have is the quote. Make it colorful and fun. These will be displayed outside the classroom. This assignment is due August 30, 2024.

*Remember your paper should FOCUS on how the person was influential in JOURNALISM and give information about their life as it relates to journalism. *

Part 3: Canva Presentation

You will present an oral presentation to the class in a 90 second video using Canva. Please visit the tutorial on Canva to your right, or ask your librarians for assistance!

Research Resources

Production Tools

APA Formatting Guides