Instructions: Please form a team of 3-4. Next, reference your topic below for cases to access. There is a wealth of information here. Please pick three cases you want to case brief. These case briefs will be very important as you think about your exception to a warrant and whether it goes far enough in protecting individual rights or not. Do these exceptions to a warrant go far enough to protecting your life, liberty, property, and pursuit of happiness? Why or why not? Do they address criminality, or do you think it helps it? These are some questions for you to think about. Use the “WRITING A CASE BRIEF” handout. Your team will need three.
Your end product (to be worked on Friday): 1) Webpage created on Weebly (must include links to cases, pictures, clearly indicate to the viewer your thoughts on exceptions in relation to individual rights, why 4th Amendment is important for people to know, and how you would improve, change or take away from the exception to a warrant you studied); 2) Poster; 3) Oral argument that addresses your exception to a warrant and whether it goes far enough in protecting individual rights or not. Do these exceptions to a warrant go far enough to protecting your life, liberty, property, and pursuit of happiness? Why or why not? Do they address criminality, or do you think it helps it? And how you would improve, change or take away from the exception to a warrant you studied.
Webpage set up:
Access SWAY through your CLEVER account
Project Guidelines:
Optional: Dramatization of scenario, testimony, personal experience, anecdote