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Professional Development: Schoology Mini-Workshops: Creating Assessments

Assessments in Schoology

Creating an Assessment in Schoology

How To Create An Assessment

  1. Click Add Materials.
  2. Select Add Assessment from the list
  3. Name the assessment.
  4. Set a Due Date to place the assessment in the Course Calendar and Upcoming area.
  5. Submissions —  Specify if students are able to take the assessment, and when they have access to it. Enabling Submissions is a separate process than the publishing feature in the Options row.
    • Enable — Students are able to open and take the test.
    • Enable until — Students can take the test until the date and time you specify in the Until field that displays.
    • Enable from...until — Students can begin the test after the date and time indicated in From and before the date and time in Until.
    • Disable — Students cannot take the test.
  6. Password —  If desired, set a password that students must enter to begin the test.
  7. Set the number of points the assessment is worth in the Course Gradebook.
  8. Select a grading category from the drop-down menu.
  9. Click Grading Options to display additional settings:
    • Select a grading period.
    • Enable the checkbox to set the assessment as a midterm or final.
    • Set a factor.
  10. Select a grading scale.
  11. Click Create to complete.

Where Can Students Access Assessments?

Students can access the assessment from anywhere they can access other graded materials:

  • The Materials list in the main Course page.
  • The Upcoming feed.
  • The Calendar.
  • The Notifications feed.

Test Items Types

Create assessments in your Schoology course to assess your students' grasp of the material or evaluate their preparedness for class. Each assessment is automatically graded (unless you've included a subjective question, such as a short answer/essay), providing you with instant and powerful feedback that can help guide your upcoming lesson plans. You can also manually override grades, grade with rubrics, and customize a wide array of settings for each assessment.

Test items:

Teacher Control Features in Building Assessments

  1. Add instructions for students taking the assessment, which displays before they start.
  2. Set a time limit for the assessment.
  3. Enable Randomize Order to ensure that each student sees the questions on the assessment in a different and randomly selected order.
  4. Hide or display how many points each question is worth for students taking the assessment.
  5. Permit students to flag questions for review .
  6. Allow students to eliminate answer choices.
  7. Offer calculators (basic or scientific).
  8. Offer rulers (6 inches or 15 centimeters).
  9. Offer protractors.
  10. Allow students to access text to speech toolbar.
  11. Allow students to highlight text.
  12. Permit students to use a notepad to take notes.

Building a Question Bank

Once you have a question bank in Schoology, you can build tests/quizzes with questions from the banks. You can add individual questions from a question bank, or you can add a random selection of questions from multiple question banks when you create your quiz.